du sort head

$ du -sh * lists each file with its size. In Linux, the --max-depth=1 can be used to similar effect. If you want to know the largest ten files in the current directory, one can use: $ du -s * | sort -nr | head to list these files ...

相關軟體 Folder Size 下載

Folder Size for Windows adds a new column to the Details view in Windows Explorer. The new column shows not only the size of files, but also the size of folders. It keeps track of which folders you vi...

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  • du -sm *|sort -rn|head -10 最大得10 个文件 1). -s或--summarize 仅显示总计,只列出最后加总的值。2). -m或--megabytes...
    (110). du -sm *|sort -rn|head -10 最大得10个文件 ...
  • $ du -sh * lists each file with its size. In Linux, the --max-depth=1 can be used to simil...
    Du - LQWiki - LinuxQuestions.org
  • This tutorial explains how to sort du -h (human readable) output by size using sort comman...
    Linux: Sort du -h (human-readable) Output By Size – nixCraft ...
  • So how to sort more friendly with du -h ? UNIX & Linux Forums > Top Forums > She...
    du -h | sort ? | Unix Linux Forums | Shell Programming and ...
  • sort lines of text files-n, --numeric-sort compare according to string numerical value-r, ...
    explainshell.com - du -a . | sort -nr | head
  • This lesson teaches how to look at disk usage with df and du, how to simplify analysis wit...
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  • du command - To list the most biggest directory ... To list the five most biggest director...
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  • Linux du命令也是查看使用空间的,但是与df命令不同的是Linux du命令是对文件和目录磁盘使用的空间的查看,还是和df命令有一些区别的. -a或-all 显示目录中个别文...
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  • Thanks for that post. From myside, I am using the following alias since a long time to get...
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  • This lists files recursively if they're normal files, sorts by the 7th field (which is...
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